The 5 Year Blogiversary: Looking Back and Ahead

Time sure does fly when you are having fun! Can you believe it has been five years to this day that the first post was published here on Confessions of a Castleholic? While I have been a bad, bad blogging person occasionally on the long road here abandoning the blog for weeks on end, I'm proud how far it has come along since the very beginning (when it was still called Castles & Co).  So let met take this chance to say THANK YOU to all of you who have stopped by Confessions of a Castleholic, whether you do it often or have only come by once or twice. I wouldn’t be doing this without you.

Don't forget to also follow Castleholic on Instagram for all my latest castle hunting adventures. Twitter offers you a bit of commentary of mine on current royals events. If you want to keep up with all the latest updates to the blog, like Confessions of a Castleholic on Facebook. New: You can also find Castleholic on Pinterest now - I'm still figuring out the in and outs of it but I'm sure I will work it out.

Other things to work out? My castle plans for 2019. There may be some major life changes happening for yours truly this year, so I'm still a bit cautious with too much planning in advance. One thing that will definitely be happening this year though is a visit to Fulda and I wouldn't be me if I would also make room to see the stunning Schloss Fasanerie nearby. Another goal for 2019: To see more of East Westphalia. I live so close yet know hardly anything.

And while it may not apply to East Westphalia, that is generally one thing Confessions of a Castleholic has taught me over the years: To go the extra mile. Whether it's during a holiday or around where I live. Truth be told, there may some castles that are privately owned and not open to the public that I wouldn't have visited without this little place on the world wide web because I needed a few more castles to write about for regular updates. Still, I enjoyed every single one of these visits that probably even include the better stories than most famous castles including running into lords and ladies of the castle cleaning their cars, weeding the gardens or cleaning the doormats. It also led me to discover my home state a lot more, to the point where I'm now famously the person with the random historical knowledge within my circle of family and friends. To the next five years of castle hunting! Who knows where live will take me - so stay tuned!

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