Schloss Gieboldehausen
In the middle of a park in the small town of Gieboldehausen near Göttingen stands a small castle by the same name. Schloss Gieboldehausen was built during the early 16th century and was known as "Haus auf dem Wall" (house on the rampart) for many years. The half-timbered beauty spot was built by the Lords of Minnigerode in 1528 on the site of an earlier castle and formed part of a larger estate.
The earliest known owner of the estate was Hans von Brudenhusen who sold it to Hans von Minnigerode the Younger in 1502. He served as local bailiff from 1521 to 1532. Sadly little else is publicly available about the castle's further history. The surrounding park was created in 1873 by the head of the Minnigerode at the time for his wife. The family remained the owners of Schloss Gieboldehausen until the 1970's when it was sold to the local municipality. Renovation and restoration works ensured and today the Schloss is used as a registrar's office and as a cultural centre for events.