Leiningen/Prussia Wedding in Amorbach: The Guests (Part 2)

Take two on the guests of Satuday's wedding of Hereditary Prince Ferdinand of Leiningen and Princess Viktoria Luise of Prussia because there will still be many left to go in the days to come. A special thank you to everyone who helped with the identifications!
The groom's family: (From left) Princess Alexandra and Prince Andreas of Leiningen, their daughter Princess Olga, their daughter-in-law Princess Isabelle and Prince Herrmann, their younger son.
(From left) Countess Margherita of Arco-Zinneberg, Princess Dorothea of Ysenburg and Büdingen, Hubertus von Wedel, Prince Joachim Albrecht of Prussia and Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia, brothers of the bride.
Hereditary Prince Ernst-August and Hereditary Princess Ekaterina of Hanover as well as Prince Christian of Hanover (right) and his fiancée Alessandra de Osma.
Princess Ekaterina talking to Princess Thyra of Hanover as well as Prince Heinrich of Hanover.
Prince Christian and Prince Otto of Hanover with Prince Alexander of Schaumburg-Lippe in the background.
 Alessandra de Osma.
 Princess Olga, Prince Christian and Prince Otto of Hanover.
Hereditary Princess Ekaterina of Hanover.
 Hereditary Prince Ernst-August of Hanover.
Another shot of Hereditary Princess Ekaterina of Hanover.
Hereditary Princess Ekaterina of Hanover and Prince Alexander of Schaumburg-Lippe with his partner.
 Count Hermann of Castell-Rüdenhausen with his daughter Countess Cecily.
Countess Henriette of Castell-Rüdenhausen, Count Hermann's wife.
 Princess Thera of Liechtenstein.
From left: Count Philipp of Erbach-Fürstenau, Count Nikolaus of Erbach-Fürstenau and Baron Wilhelm of Stotzingen.
 Hereditary Count Georg-Albrecht of Erbach-Erbach and his sister Countess Felicitas (hidden).
 Count Konrad of Erbach-Erbach.
 Countess Felicitas of Erbach-Erbach and Princess Sophie of Baden.
Prince Viktor and Princess Jungeun Anès of Isenburg.
 Baron Rüdiger of Erffa and his wife Altburg, née Duchess of Oldenburg.
 Prince Ludwig of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg.
On the right: Prince Friedrich-Leopold and Princess Marie-Helene of Ysenburg und Büdingen.
Prince Charles-Adrien of Mérode and wife Guadalupe de Lascurain Corcuera.

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