My 5 Favourite Cities Around the World

Well, on two continents... Let's play favourites again - this time with cities. Here are the five I like best for various reasons which I'll try to explain a little. Obviously, I can only speak of those cities I have visited yet. So if any are missing that you think everyone should see, leave me a comment below. My bucket list may already be more than 100 places long but can it ever be long enough?

Sydney, Australia
Where shall I begin? While some places were hard to pick, Sydney was a very obvious choice for me. After all this is the city where I spent what I still consider the time of my life. After school I lived and travelled in Australia for a year with Sydney being my base. But it wasn't just that it was the best and most carefree time of my life: Over the year, I simply fell in love with the city, its style, art and culture and how beautifully it is situated.

 Hamburg, Germany
If you are a long-time reader of Confessions of a Castleholic, you will already know of my love for Hamburg. Both the city in Germany's north and Sydney have one thing going for them both: Lots of water. Put a city somewhere around an ocean, large lakes or a bunch of rivers and it will already be in my good books. Among these cities, Hamburg is my childhood sweetheart I met again in the past few years. It's also my favourite German city. It's less hectic than Berlin but more cosmopolitan than Munich, which might just be the world's biggest village. (And no, I've never gotten the fuss about Cologne...)

Vienna, Austria
Vienna is the dream for any person loving history, culture and architecture - and thus the perfect place for me. If you would give me the chance to pick one non-German city in Europe to live in, I would very likely pick the Austrian capital. I mean is there a place with more castles, palaces and royal places in general to marvel at? Plus, I kinda dig the Wiener Schmäh (when I understand them). Also check out my previous post about My 5 Favourite Royal Things to See in Vienna.

Rome, Italy
The eternal city where the streets are almost literally paved of history and the buildings have hundreds of stories to tell. From the ruins of Ancient Rome to the numerous palazzi and churches, I feel like the Italian capital is a place I could vist a dozen times and never get bored. Also: The gelato, the tiramisu, the gelato, the pasta, the gelato, the pizza - and did I tell you about the gelato?

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Stockholm, Sweden
For a bit of a different vibe, let's head from Europe's south to the north and the Swedish capital of Stockholm - and with it, we are back with the water thing. In difference to Rome, Stockholm is the cool and relaxed nordic beauty. It's been a few years since I've been last there and I really make some room to go back, even if it's just for the weekend.

Truth be told, this wasn't an easy list to come up with as there are so many other cities I recommend you to visit. Honourable mentions must certainly go to Lisbon, London, Singapore, Paris, Salzburg, Berlin and Venice among many others!

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