Castleholic On Tour: 10 Days in Portugal

Photo: Shutterstock
T minus 1 and the weather is making it awfully easy for me to leave Germany right now. It might not have been a stroke of genius on my part to book the first flight available in the morning to Portugal as it means getting up at approximately 4.30am but that still won't dampen my delight that I'll finally head to Lisbon tomorrow. I'll stay in the Portuguese capital until next Sunday and then travel to Porto for another few days of summer, sun, architecture and history - and to see as many of the places Lurdes recommended to me as possible.

Much like I did in Vienna last year, I will try to take you with me on my adventures. A while ago, I tossed the idea around on Twitter and it got a bunch of positive replies, so I thought I'd do it again. The posts will feature the places I saw and the areas I discovered. Very likely it won't be a lot of text but I will rather let pictures speak for themselves (as time and internet connection allow).

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