Castleholics Anonymous with Moniek of History of Royal Women

It's Sunday - and Sunday means a new edition of Castleholics Anonymous. This time with Moniek of History of Royal Women. For previous interviews with other castle-loving bloggers, simply check out the label that is beneath every post. Without much ado, let's get straight into it:

Moniek's castle bucket list
I remember you having a bucket list of places you want to see in your life – how many castles and palaces are on that list and which ones are they?
I have a little black book of places I want to visit and I've recently begun using Google Maps to save my favourite places so you can actually see them on a map and plan a trip to it more easily. It currently has over 70 places I want to visit and it continues to grow. That not only includes castles and palaces but also churches, abbeys and burial places. A small selection: Edinburgh Castle, Linlithgow Palace, Peterborough Cathedral, Fontevraud Abbey, Rouen Cathedral, Neuschwanstein Castle, Roskilde Cathedral and El Escorial Palace.
Photo: Real Sitio de San Lorenzo de El
Escorial (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
What does a castle or palace needs to have to land on your list of favourite castles or palaces? Are there any specific features or were they all build in the same era, for example? 
I love it when a certain place has a history that I can relate to. My blog is about royal women and I often visit places where they have lived or where they are buried. For me, that makes a place extra special. In terms of building style I think my favourite is still the Ducal Palace in Celle.

And consequently, which is the palace or castle that tops your list of favourites and which ones are your runners-up and why? 
Hever Castle is definitely my all time favourite and I'm still sad that I wasn't allowed to take pictures inside. Runners-up would be the Ducal Palace in Celle and Hampton Court Palace. Burial place wise definitely the little St. Peter ad Vincula chapel in the Tower of London and the Imperial Crypt in Vienna.
Alnwick Castle
(Photo: History of Royal Women)
Alnwick Castle, the home of the Duke of Northumberland, is pretty high up on my list of castles to see. You have been there, tell us a little more about it – what did you enjoy about the place, would you recommend others going there? 
I went to Alnwick Castle during a Harry Potter themed DFDS minicruise and I loved it. They definitely embraced the Harry Potter relation with broomstick training and such. It's a very photogenic castle and you're even allowed into the areas where the family normally lives. It's quite strange seeing a huge TV inside a medieval castle! I would definitely recommend it, it's absolutely gorgeous.
And as the last question for you as a Dutchwoman: What are some Dutch castles that every castle lover should have seen in their lifetime?
One of my favourite Dutch castles is Castle Huis Bergh. It's one the largest in the Netherlands and it has been wonderfully kept in its medieval style. The ruins of Teylingen Castle are pretty as well, but it's pretty hard to reach. Palace wise I'd say the Loo palace is a big favourite of mine, also because it's pretty close by and often has new exhibitions. In the summer you can also walk down to an old palace called the Old Loo, which is still in use by the Dutch royal family.

Next Sunday I'll talk to Sophie of All Things Royal about
more Dutch castles, the grandeur of the Château de Versailles and more.

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