A New Blog

After toying with the idea for quite some time - Well, not all the time but again and again after visiting castles or other royal sights. - I have decided to finally get going on a new blog called "Castles & Co". If you are a regular royal watcher with an interest in either the Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg or the Princely Family of Liechtenstein, you might already know me as one of the writers and editors of the Luxarazzi Blog

My new brainchild "Castles & Co" will not be as busy and frequently updated as my main royal occupation but instead I will write about the royal travels that I do. As a royal watcher and history nerd, I occasionally visit royal sights such as castles, palaces and other places royals and nobles have and still live(d). Afterwards, I plan on writing about these visits on here to give you a chance to learn about these places and maybe decide whether they are worth a visit if or when you are nearby.

As I'm a German living in Germany, most of the posts will likely revolve around German castles and palaces. I have not decided yet whether I will also provide a German translation of my posts as I feel like the English language offers a wider variety of expression suitable for blog posts while German feels a little more stiff. The very first post will be about Schloss Wernigerode in Saxony-Anhalt I visited earlier this weekend. I will probably also publish a few posts about castles I have visited within the past year or two to get the blog going, so stay tuned! Meanwhile, you can follow me on Twitter and like "Castles & Co" on Facebook so you won't miss the first actual report.

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