Royal Wedding in Hanover: The Guests (Part 4)

After a week of sorting through all of my pictures from last weekend's wedding of Hereditary Prince Ernst-August and Princess Ekaterina of Hanover, here are some last pictures of the guests. If I am able to identify any more in the future, I will add them to this post, so make sure to check back every now and then.
Prince Michael of Salm-Salm and his wife Princess Philippa, née Countess of Castell-Castell.
Coordt and Inge von Mannstein.
On the left: Baroness Helena of Cramm, née Countess Wolff-Metternich, and Baron Egbert of Cramm. I don't have a good picture of it but I saw Baron Egbert and Baroness Helena leaving the venue together in a car with Nikolaus and Anna von Veltheim. Pictured with the Cramms is Caspar von Veltheim.
Baron Philip of Oldershausen and wife Baronee Thyra, née von Reden.
In the foreground is Ludolf von Klencke, the couple behind him are Baron Ludolf of Oldershausen and his wife Baroness Sybille.
Probably Count Philipp of Hochberg.
Dr. Jens Schmid-Mölholm and wife Baroness Clarissa of Spiegel.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich and Dr. Karin von Jeinsen.
Probably members of the noble von Alten family.
Probably members of the noble von Dannenberg family.
Probably members of the noble von Dannenberg family.
Photo by Stig Nielsen
Roderic von Bennigsen and Donatella Flick.

Edited to add:

 Friedrich von Lenthe with one of his daughters.
Simone von Lenthe.
Baron Ulrich of Bodenhausen.
Slightly out of focus: Wilken and Christiane von Bothmer.
Baron Alexander and Baroness Christiane of Spoercken.
Baron Max of Spoercken (left) and his sister Baroness Theresa.

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