Waking Sleeping Beauty - or Welcome Back to Confessions of a Castleholic

Long time, no post - but that's going to change. So stay tuned for a new and hopefully improved Confessions of a Castleholic. Last time we spoke, I was all castled out - then I was all blogged out. But while the sleeping beauty slumber of this blog may have started about two years ago, yours truly has been ever busy traveling and discovering the world one beautiful palace at a time. From Bamberg to Florence and Paris to Prague, there is lots to share. The style of posts will change slightly in the future to accomodate less time on this writer's hands but I will try to be as informative as ever and inspire you for whatever travel dreams may lay ahead!

See you - and in the meantime... Don't forget to follow Confessions of a Castleholic on Instagram or Twitter to see all the latest castle hunting adventures.

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